Thursday, September 28, 2006

Skeletal Remains

Shall we say two hundred? Or two million? You there! I mean in the sense that you once were there in my wildest (foggy) dreams (illusions) way back far away once upon a time. Remember? You adored me. Are you there she said prettily? Back a millenium or more things were so much better she said the flowers were bigger, weren't they? Sun and shadows blanketed the landscape and quietly absorbed us into their composition. You jaunty existentialist creating your own reality jumping from rock to rock scraping teeth bones clattering toward the future. I adore you.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Calm Submissive Happy

My recent unbalanced state has deluded me into believing that my life could revert to an idealized version of the past. "How did that happen?" I ask Mallory, who quickly searches her appointment book for regular openings. "Sticking a sword in my heart would be preferable to this!" I intone dramatically. I am anxious! Compulsive! Nervous! I jump up on people and run around in circles!

Which reminds me. I am now officially in love with Cesar Millan. After spending the past several nights with The Dog Whisperer (episodes 1-15), I realize that only He understands how to deal with my phobias and nervous behavior. He knows that walking me, disciplining me and giving me affection produce a good result. When I am calm I am happy.

"I need The Dog Whisperer, Valerie." Finally. I found someone who understands me.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Butterflies Behind Glass

I thought I saw you
in that chair you like

again you turn slowly
stones crackle under tires
my heart beats

You ate eggs then
watching a movie
pulled from an idiosyncratic collection
like butterflies
behind glass

I'm sure I saw you
we watched
your movies

you wore your
smoking jacket
you smartly bought and sold
you acquired futures
from a distance

I thought I saw you

Sunday, September 17, 2006

where map quest will take you

you all
driving toward green clouds
look skyward empty eyes thumb-out
slow-cooked smile
drive on

Friday, September 01, 2006

How It Started

1. If I were an animal I'd be a white tiger.

2. Goddamn it, I have always loved tigers. You know I have always thought of myself as a tiger.

1. But I'm a white tiger.

2. So you're more special than a regular tiger?

1. I'm a little out of the ordinary.

2. You bitch. You have stolen my identity. What will I be?

1. You are a dog.

2. Fuck you

1. Some sort of highly intelligent well-trained cool dog

2. No stop there I will be a gazelle

1. But you don't even dance

2. I'll be Bugs Bunny you motherfucker

or what about a fucking cloned sheep or

the world's largest octopus or sasquach or

how about a killer bee? Huh?

How about that?