Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I hate school

Well, I finally got it. The flu that is. Some sort of plague is continually spreading like wildfire through the high school building where I work. Public school buildings are perfect for spreading sickness.

It's like "they" said, "Hmmm. Let's see. How can we spread infectious disease the fastest? I've got it! Let's put all young people in the country in huge energy-inefficient buildings without much ventilation! What else? Let's fill them with the fear of God about absences, like they won't graduate if they have too many, so they come to school even when they are really sick!"

So yesterday I crawled into bed at 4:30pm with a glass of wine (the perfect medicine for many, many ailments, I believe) and a bottle of NyQuil (also a near-perfect remedy, I have found, for many things for colds and flu). I drifted off to sleep watching episodes of The Office, which I had downloaded to my laptop, and awoke in the dark drooling on my pillow.

Lovely. Really. I would much rather be slightly sick here in my bed than there. What a hellish week this is, with finals on Thursday and Friday. Here "they" go again. Another brilliant plan. "Ok people. Focus. How can we ensure that our students are as miserable and stressed-out as possible? Hmmm... I know! I know! Let's have final exams count for 20% of their grade!"

I hate school.


At 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you tried vicodin?

At 7:59 AM, Blogger MJ said...

Hi AJ! Duh! Of course not! I want to experience reality.


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