Fuck You, Bitches
Fuck you, Bitches! (I don't know. It just felt like a good beginning. Yell it now.) FUCK YOU, BITCHES! (Nice, huh?)
So I am without a car for three days while the bent frame is being fixed. I am thoroughly enjoying (Goddamn it!) being without any sort of transportation whatsoever. I walked to the library yesterday, a one and a half-mile experience that turned out... not all that pleasant, actually. Road crews busily making "improvements" sent clouds of dirt, dredged up by loud monster machines into the air most of the way. And if you walk in this town you become a novelty to be stared at. We don't do walking here, except for the occasional (women only!) powerwalker, spacey Buddhist nature admirer or a kid. You run, for christsake, and you wear the correct clothing while running, and you'd better be thin, too. So FUCK YOU, bitches.
Speaking of which, I saw An Inconvenient Truth a couple of days ago. I thought it was worth seeing and did offer some hope that we have a few years left to prevent ourselves from destroying ourselves and the entire rest of the world. But when we are told to turn lights out or unplug cell phone chargers when we aren't using them, it just seems so pathetic in comparison to the enormous problem of overpopulation. The earth just can't sustain this many people. Can it? And the population projections are ridiculous. Areas around here that used to be rural are filled with McMansions (starter houses!) and that's what people expect. Cars and big houses and boats and money and $25,000 weddings and trinkets and baubles. I'd move to Alaska, but soon it will be permanent summer there. Fuck us. Fucking Americans. We hate people who are poor, don't we? And we hate art, we destroy our environment, we are anti-intellectual, we are stupid, morally void idiots. We are totally turned around and being led by George W Bush. Fuck us.
Once, while teaching at the alternative school, a student sat with me and said gravely, "I am so filled with hate." We looked at each other and laughed, but we both knew he was revealing something real. We shared a moment of truth. And it was ok. He was still a human being and I still loved him. There is all too little of that going on.
Yea, so I guess I'll go spread joy someplace else for a while.
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