Saturday, March 25, 2006

Tonight's Festivities

Tonight is all "dark sky and gathering storms", and tucking myself snuggly inside my little house, I drink wine from a black box (sort of like a kegger, I've decided!). A party of sorts, I fancy it! (Did you notice the English accent?)

All by myself, Haruki Murakami has done with me for now. After a tearful ending this morning, awake at 2:30, I looked for you, but alas, you were nowhere to be found. Later I traveled to the library where I checked out David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. Infinite is right, from the look of it. If Murakami took me this long, think of this! (But Gene I trust. After this, Norwegian Wood seems like a good idea. Have you read that one, Gene?)

So. Just so you know, I plan on never loving again. Don't try to change my mind. I have thought this through, and life from now on is purely solitary. Actually? Life is an afterthought to me. The moment, though I haven't learned to grasp it yet, is all there is. I bow to you. I holler "uncle!"



At 12:45 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

Don't know that I agree with your "Life is an afterthought;" but I wholeheartedly (why yes, I do recognize the irony--;-) ) support your plan to never love again. With the exception of how it pertains to one's child(ren), I find it just so overfuckingrated.

Ah, but I wallow...

Best to you. Should you choose to love again, just choose wisely.

Oh, who am I kidding? Choose UNwisely! Live, love, and enjoy! Love and enjoy and hurt and LIVE! Surely that is a pinch of what makes the world go 'round. Right?



At 5:32 AM, Blogger MJ said...

You ever-hopeful cynic, you displaced romantic, I like the way your mind works.

And right.



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