Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dear AJ, Dream Interpreter

All righty then. I was up at 2:30 this morning, which has become routine. I hope I'm not catching the insomnia bug that's going around. Sleep is such a welcome escape. Or is it?

Last night I dreamed another variation on my "being rejected" theme. In some used and impersonal hotel the group of people with whom I was affiliated but didn't really identify with, were "concerned" about a "member" of the group. They began to pray together in a big crowded circle. I stood at the outskirts and momentarily considered at least mimicking joining in, considering how sure they all were that this was the right thing to do... but I just couldn't pretend, hell, I wasn't sure the person even needed these peoples' prayers, so I cut myself loose from the group and walked out. Another person walked out too, but I don't remember a face and we made no contact. Or did we?

I need an AJ dream interpretation. Hey AJ, you sassy sage. Do they all suck cock for money?


At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, they all DO suck cock for money. Second, its funny to see the "Thanks for Everything and Goodbye" post directly after this one. It put your dream in perspective for me. Are you letting yourself loose from Mallory? Going week to week only pretending that you need to be there?
The past few months have brought many changes. Not rejection, only open doors. You've finally cut yourself loose from the ropes holding you live.
Does this prayer circle resemble marriage? Is this faceless person somebody you knew very well for many many years? Maybe this is two people walking out of a life lived together. A marriage.
Dreams are
Now lets go have a fucking bottle of wine. Hell. Lets fuckin trash this place. You sexy little insomniac.


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