Saturday, August 13, 2005

Family Photos from Abu Ghraib

Speaking of my desire that we take care of one anothers' kids, why don't we just face our dark side? Let's quit hiding it. When AJ, in high school, got ticketed for DUI, unlike other parents involved I didn't get a lawyer to get her off the hook. I said, "You did it, you deal with the consequences."

Which I guess is pretty stupid, because our government obviously doesn't think it is necessary to face the consequences of our actions. Just keep painting a picture of "god is on our side flag-waving hallelulia I'm a patriot" and it'll all go away. Keep hiding the truth, repressing the information.
As the New York Times is reporting, Bush administration lawyers fighting the public release of another round of photos from Abu Ghraib have filed a statement in federal court in New York in which (Gen. Richard B.) Myers warns that release of the photos could wreak havoc in Iraq and Afghanistan. "The situation on the ground in Iraq is dynamic and dangerous," Myers said. "It is probable that al Qaida and other groups will seize upon these images and videos as grist for their propaganda mill, which will result in, besides violent attacks, increased terrorist recruitment, continued financial support and exacerbation of tensions between Irazi and Afghani papulaces and US and coalition forces." If the photos are released to the public, Myers said, "riots, violence and attacks by insurgents will result."

...Donald Rumsfeld said last year that some unreleased photos from Abu Ghraib depict conduct that "can only be described as blatantly sacistic, cruel and inhumane. Seymour Hersh has said that the unreleased images include videotape of Iraqi boys being sodomized. (Salon)
We really are reverting to a dysfunctional 1950's facade, aren't we? Let's hide all the nasty secrets and pretend they never happened. Remember to smile when they take the picture so we can prove we are a happy family! Don't sit by the ranch demanding answers, Cindy. Be quiet. Father Knows Best. Be a good girl.

Bullshit. Let's face who we are, who we have become. I agree that,
If the Bush administration is so worried about how Muslims will react to further evidence of torture at Abu Ghraib, maybe it should spend less time fretting about photos that haven't been released and more time focused on wrongs that haven't been righted. Punishing, not promoting, some of the commanders and lawyers involved would be a good way to start. (Salon)
Right AJ?


At 12:21 PM, Blogger MJ said...

Good question. Sometimes it feels like hitting my head on the wall just thinking about this stuff. But I can't stop.

They're doing their best to mute Cindy. Do you think the mother will start a movement? Or is it too late?

At 1:20 AM, Blogger MJ said...

Yea, they will somehow find a way to convince the right wing hoardes that she is a wicked monster. Hmmm. I like the grandmother, too (your latest post). Humble moms and grandmothers. I like this. Maybe voices that aren't usually heard, that Bush could care less about, will finally be the ones to bring him down.


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