The Enormous Erection that is George W. Bush
I seem to remember, not so long ago, something called the Women's Rights Movement. Does that ring a bell? It all began in 1848 when Elizabeth Cady Stanton, sharing tea with four women friends, articulated her discontent with the limitations placed on her situation under America's new democracy.
Stanton wrote a "Declaration of Sentiments," which included these words:
"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. Then it went into specifics:Nothing against anal sex, but if gender inequality is far behind us, why do I find myself continually watching my ass, looking behind me for that enormous erection that is George W. Bush? Could it be that we are regressing back to the 1950's, where men were men and women were objects and we all put on a happy face?
* Married women were legally dead in the eyes of the law
* Women were not allowed to vote
* Women had to submit to laws when they had no voice in their formation
* Married women had no property rights
* Husbands had legal power over and responsibility for their wives to the extent that they could imprison or beat them with impunity
* Divorce and child custody laws favored men, giving no rights to women
* Women had to pay property taxes although they had no representation in the levying of these taxes
* Most occupations were closed to women and when women did work they were paid only a fraction of what men earned
* Women were not allowed to enter professions such as medicine or law
* Women had no means to gain an education since no college or university would accept women students
* With only a few exceptions, women were not allowed to participate in the affairs of the church
* Women were robbed of their self-confidence and self-respect, and were made totally dependent on men
But let's get real. Things really have changed. I admit it. For instance, getting butt-fucked in the 1950's was still taboo. But in 2005 watch your back, Cindy Sheehan, here gallops faux cowboy George W. Bush, his enormous backlash waving before him. Do you know who he is? He's a war pres-dint, he's got a life to live for Christsake, and he can butt-fuck any damn woman he chooses! Git outa his way! And he's taking care of the country by being on vacation, which means he, "...somehow finds time for a bicycle ride, some fishing, a nap and a Little League baseball game on a single day at his Crawford, Texas, ranch. (Salon)
Bush may not have time to talk to Cindy, but she sure is taking his backlash right in the rear, just like
when John McCain had George W. Bush on the ropes in South Carolina in 2000, he quickly found himself subject to smears about his mental condition and family. When Richard Clarke criticized Bush after 9/11, Dick Cheney tried to discredit him as someone who "wasn't in the loop." When Paul O'Neill said that Bush used 9/11 as a pretext to invade Iraq, the White House said that he was ignored when he worked for the administration and should be ignored afterward, too. When Joseph Wilson said Bush had misled the nation in the run-up to the war, the White House called him a liar and outed his wife. (Salon)So this isn't a women's issue at all, is it? Bush will stick in the ass a person of any race, class or gender who effects his approval rating.
The question is, will Cindy weather the right-wing gang bang? Always the optimist, Mykeru believes that Bush's
...unwillingness to give Sheehan the time of day while he's on vacation undermines the straight-talking, rib-eating bullshit that Bush has been so careful to cultivate, right down to buying a stage set ranch during the 2000 presidential elections. Every time Bush and his entourage blows by Camp Casey in black SUVs and a cloud of dust on the way to and from some fund raiser, he reveals himself to be what he always was: A callous elitist who doesn't mind other people suffering and dying for what passes for his convictions and, at worst, a coward who can't own up to his mistakes and deceptions. (Mykeru)But I'm not so sure. I think you're going down, Cindy. With separation of church and state, abortion and the golden rule. Father knows best, so put on a happy face. Quit your talking about terrorism, Israel and oil. Don't act too smart, that will just make daddy mad. Take your grief quietly and with dignity. Obey your husband. Be a good mother. Make sure you smile for the family picture.
Take it in the rear, like a bitch. Fake an orgasm. Just like the good old days.
I love your political views and commentaries almost as much as I love your nostalgic writing. And that's saying something, considering I'm not very political.
Yes you are political, you just don't know it yet.
One of my favorite quotes from the women's movement is, "The Personal is Political". Personal troubles/problems can always be located in the
context of public/political issues.
We are all political. All of our biographies fit somewhere within the larger historical narrative. Who wrote that larger narrative and who is the protagonist and why? Whose stories get told and whose don't? Who makes those decisions? It is all political.
You are speaking up, Eryn. You have a blog, and that's good. Make some noise. Tell it like it is!
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