Monday, May 02, 2005

My Day Off

9:49 am10:55 am (I just procrastinated for an hour looking for this picture.)

FUCK SERENITY! I think my organs are imploding. (I have no idea where that came from, but it seems right-on.) I am playing hookie, which should be enjoyable, but my life is being sucked out of my veins because I am grading those FUCKING 100 ESSAYS. (One batch done, four to go.)
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6:22 pm (Random blathering after procrastinating for most of the day.)

Holy shit. I am totally in love with Bela Lugosi. Don't you just love that photo (above)? I would really like a glass of wine. I guess I'm a little more than half done with the 'ol grading. My mind keeps wandering off and I have to keep jerking myself back. Speaking of Bela Lugosi, isn't this other picture dramatic?

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8:00 pm (While watching the second episode of Reno 911 and having graded only 4 more essays.)

Here's a spectacular photo.

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And isn't this one fantastic?! Another episode of Reno 911 is starting. I gotta go watch itfinish grading the essays.

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At 11:32 AM, Blogger MJ said...

Ha! (she bellowed).

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, you know what ALWAYS makes me feel better in times of ultimate stress? Someone (preferably hot) serenading me with a little old Mark Kozelek tune....preferably #4 on his solo album. Try it out kid.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Melina said...

wow, just making them up takes a lot of energy, way more than just reading the stuff. my kids took a test today and grumbled, "I guess I should've read the book" umm, no shit sherlock!

At 5:52 PM, Blogger MJ said...

Three piles done, two to go. Lalalalalalalalalalalalala (she sang in a really demented-sounding sing-songy voice.)

At 4:55 AM, Blogger MJ said...

Sing it to me AJ, SING IT TO ME!


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