Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dream Balancing

A momentary loss of reason led me to list several "goals" in my last post, which in retrospect was very silly. I may as well say I want to be a trapeze artist. What does it matter? Nothing like setting myself up for failure and unhappiness. Would the reaching of any of these goals make me truly happier? Probably not. Would desiring and not obtaining make me unhappier? Probably.

We have been fooled into thinking that goal-setting is a good thing for us. Again, propaganda that fills public school hallways comes to mind.

Dream! Believe! Achieve!

Ha! Poor children, capitalist fodder, dreaming dreams of true love and material possessions. Our dreams destroy us.

Our little goals matter not a whit. I release that unhappy burden.


At 11:17 AM, Blogger beardedriffraff said...

From a Mexican steelworkers’ banner at opening ceremony of 1986 World Cup soccer championship-

We want beans, not goals.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger MJ said...

Beautiful. I love both of these.


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