Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Affirmations Work!!!

Oh. My. God. I would have been the last to believe it, but much to my surprise affirmations work!

I actually did meet a millionaire today and to make a long story short, we are happily married and have two kids! Wow! So now I have been thinking that a blog change is probably in order. Of course the name will have to change since it's not just ME anymore, but my handsome husband and our darling TWINS, whom I love and adore and fawn over 24-7. They love it. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE.

If I could figure out how to get a heart symbol I would certainly include that in the title. Something like "The Daily Affirmations of MJ and her millionaire husband and darling twins" surrounded with hearts hearts hearts. And those stars that move across the page and other moving things to show that if you shoot for the stars you can DO ANYTHING!


At 11:47 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Again...you kill me.

Love to the twins. Tell that millionaire husband of yours that Ryan says he is one lucky man! ;-)

At 5:13 AM, Blogger MJ said...

As soon as he gets home I will tell him! One thing I have noticed is that millionaires really work a lot, like all night on most nights! Don't get me wrong. I TOTALLY support his work, he is doing it for the twins and me, because he LOVES us so much and wants us to have what we deserve.

The darling twins want to be with me every minute of the day and they espress their love by crying and wailing loudly all night long! Isn't that super?

Well, I am still in a daze. This is like a dream. A dream life. Wow.

At 4:49 PM, Blogger erynthenerd said...

<3 you should have found one of those millionaires that already made his money, and is now just working on letting his money make more money. whats the point of having a millionaire if he's never around to be flaunted on a huge yacht, or at important social events?

(P.S. <3 is a heart. if you didn't know.)

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Melina said...

I'm a little concerned about these "affirmations" of yours...is this just a euphemism for bong or possibly crack pipe hits??? Just curious. Love you!

At 5:05 AM, Blogger MJ said...

OK. I'm back, and yes, I had acquired a monumental drug addiction due to my absentee millionnaire. But to make another long story short, I have kicked the habit, recovered from the divorce and I find that my relationship with the twins is just as healthy long distance. They adore their new mother, who is seventeen years old.

Well, kids, be careful what you affirm for. Oh, this crazy crazy life, huh?


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