I'm Over It
God! I just spent about two hours writing a post and then it disappeared when I tried to publish it! But basically it said that I am over the whole "love in the blogosphere" thing. It's history, kids. HISTORY!
I am in transition, and I don't know where to go with this blog. It started as a way to discipline myself to write. Then comments trickled in and that was fascinating, and then the comments (wow!) became more important than the posts. But now that phase is over. I grow disenchanted. What shall I do with this blog?
Mo would paint the place. All the rooms would be transformed and best of all she would be transformed in the process.
AJ, on the other hand, would lose it. She'd miss it, search halfheartedly, but get along pretty well without it.
Me? I would agonize over it. Are my motives "right"? Am I being honest? Am I hurting anyone? Should I be suppressing my mind? Should I be indulging my mind? (It is not easy to know whether my mind is being virtuous or nonvirtuous.)
But what I really want is to be able to recognize what my mind is doing and have selfless motives. (Is that too much to ask?!) Hell, it's obvious that I need some direction here. Hey! Wise people! Buddhist teachers! I need you! C'mere!
Well, OK, I guess I'll chill, take the red pill once again, and see where this ride takes me.
I am so paranoid about losing posts that I put everything in Word and cut and paste as soon as I am done.
I am very new to this Blogging business; and as I detest most things trendy, I never really thought I would dive in. Similar to you, I started as a means to jump start some self-discipline (I had quit writing altogether for lack of time). I have no idea what I have done, am doing, or will do with this Blog of mine. But I do know I enjoy it and so will continue for awhile at least, and try to figure my way. That being said, I enjoy your site tremendously and hope you'll keep up with it. You seem at least a little satisfied with what you've done here. Isn't it so difficult to be satisfied with anything? I'd be disappointed to see you give it up.
For what it's worth...
I would miss your blog as well, and would like to beg you to not give up, but ultimately it has to be your choice. No matter how much of your heart we can see on your sleeve via the blogosphere, it is truly a personal experience. Do what makes you happy.
However, a new paint job isn't a bad idea. Perhaps a new template would inspire you more? I switched from diaryland to blogger, and found myself writing more and posting regularly just because it was a new space. I frequently load up my blog to admire it, because I am vain, oh so vain.
If you're interested in a new template, stop by my blog and leave a comment. I might try something out for you. I'm by no means a design genius but I like to dabble a little and am learning CSS pretty well.
Don't go!!
Or if you do, tell me where you're going!!!
Or ... leave the blog up, take a break for a while, then come back when you're ready! I know of a couple people who *poof* disappeared without a word, only to reappear *poo* without a word months later. It happens for all kinds of reasons.
Or don't do anything and see what happens.
I think our intentions about this blogging stuff change all the time. Mine do and I've just decided all the morphing describes me and my life better than anything else, although my intentions were never to describe my life, although that's exactly what it's turned into.
BTW, template change is good. I love changing my template, even though it always turns into a three day marathon.
Cookie, BTW. Still can't remember my password!
No leaving us! Even though I'm a pacifist, I'll find it deep down in my dark self to find a stick to beat you with, if you decide to leave. Kind of kidding, kind of not.
Wow! You are all so cool. So let's get on with this blogging adventure, shall we?
A good traveler is one who does not know where he is going to, and a perfect traveler is one who does not know where he came from. - Lin Yu-t'ang
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