To Do
Get car fixed
Check bank balance
Get blood drawn
Rake lawn
Clean toilet
Call doctor
Buy hair gel
Send package
Correct papers
Take shower
Eat cereal
Read book
Buy clothes
Call friend
Sleep adequately
Pay a bill
Step in cat shit
Drink water
Feel compassion for the downtrodden who cultivate a connection with life
Drop purse in rainy parking lot
Wait for an e-mail
Dislike people
Suddenly sing a song from a time long ago
Buy Good 'n' Plenty's
Laugh with co-workers
Desire to swim
Think private thoughts
Pluck eyebrows
Wish the cat would die
Feel warm sun
Look for news of moral change in the world
Car shop
Buy something
Feel depressed about the state of the environment
Eat something
Read something
Talk about something
Miss my mother
Walk down flourescent light-flooded store aisles
Notice that I may become disinterested in the things around me
Smell ozone
Find an almond on the floor
Pet the cat
Wish I had more money
Think about my children
Depend on the kindness of strangers
Appreciate a gel pen
Recharge cell phone
Step outside my door
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